Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Street Fighting: How To Knock Someone Out In A Ground Fight

When you think about how to knock someone out with one punch, you probably don't envision being able to strike someone with that much force when you're locked up in a ground fight, right? I mean, if you're forced to use self defense, most of the knockout blows you're used to seeing are from boxing, mixed martial arts, or other self defense techniques from fighting systems where you're standing up and able to throw a powerful punch. In a ground fight, you don't have that same ability, especially if you're on your back, because you can't put a lot of power into your punches. Also, many of the best targets to knock someone out with one punch aren't easy to reach when you're flat on your back with a fighter on top of you. But it's still possible to get a one-punch knockout.

How To Knock Someone Out In A Ground Fight

When we look at how to knock someone out in a fight that takes place on the ground, you must first recognize that all of the best knock-out targets are from the neck up on your opponent. If he's mounted you where you're flat on your back, you're in a dangerous position because he can punch away at you with a lot of power, but you have a harder time reaching your own knockout targets. What you've got to do when ground fighting then, is drag those targets back into reach. You can do this by first reaching up to grab his shirt or his clavicles and essentially "climb" your way up his body which will actually pull him down toward you to bring your knockout targets closer. In fact, there's one specific point you'll have access to from this position...and it's your secret spot for achieving a knockout!

The Secret Target That's Wide Open For A One Punch Knockout In A Ground Fight

What I'm about to share with you is a little known target on the human body that's typically wide open on your attacker in a ground fight. It's a pressure point located on the back of the head, roughly at the hairline, halfway between the ear and the spine. This point is located on either side of the spine so it actually gives you two targets to knock someone out. With one punch, you can cause major trauma and if hit too hard, it could actually kill someone so be very careful that you're using this technique only in self defense. Here's how to use this self defense technique to your advantage...

How To Strike This Secret Knockout Target During A Ground Fight

From the worst-case ground fighting position where someone has you on your back, reach up with one arm (it doesn't matter which side) up along the center of his body. Your aim is to get your arm over his shoulder and arm on that same side and control that arm with yours and gain access to the back of your attacker's head as he's pulled down close to you. From here, you can get a clear shot at the pressure point target. What most people do from this position is to simply start pounding on the attacker's back which will have no effect in a real street fight because the back is full of muscle. If he's pounding you from above in a ground fight, you don't have time to waste on ineffective self defense techniques like punches to the back. So with your arm over his shoulder, slam the palm of your hand hard into the pressure point target on the back of his head. When he goes limp, simply roll him off you. That is how to knock someone out with one punch, even in a ground attack in a real street fight.

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